November 24, 2022

The new KA Project has arrived...

a geolocated social network for libertines

A new version of your favorite libertine application is in place. A very nice job from the entire technical team that I would like to thank here.

It's not all there yet and we have a few nice surprises in store for you in the weeks to come, but a lot of work has been done to improve ergonomics, to speed up downloads and make conversations more fluid, and to make your interactions more playful and flexible.

Some bugs have been fixed, including one in particular that has been resisting us for several weeks, but we finally got it. To be more precise, some of you sent us the information that sometimes the threads of conversation were blocked. We tracked him down, tracked him down, identified him, captured him, and... neutralized him!! This one won't bother you anymore!

The search function in the conversation history has been improved (think about it, it is very practical to find information in the thread. It happens with the magnifying glass.

Always in conversations, you now know immediately if your interlocutor is online or not. Either way, you can message him anyway. We absolutely wanted to avoid the double thread of messaging and chat, in which we get lost irretrievably...

Another big topic: albums

Now you have no more excuses not to feed them. It's fluid, it's clean, and totally secure (see the page FAQ-security for more information).

The ergonomics have been completely revised. no more large buttons that occupied the screen and piled on top of each other. Mat... has concocted a series of small icons that are completely self-explanatory and find their place in the perfect place.

And above all, you can now see your albums very clearly, modify their names, their content, their privacy settings very simply. You see directly who has access to it and can revoke this access just as easily. In short, it's at the top !!

Let's continue with the album: downloading is absolutely simple and above all, you can simultaneously download several images or videos (or sounds as well). And if you work on large volumes, or if your connection is a little slow, no worries, the download is done in the background.

In short, I think it will be difficult to do better here.

What else? Ah yes, the search function, you know, the little magnifying glass at the top and right of the map. Try it, you'll see, it's become very fluid and very readable. everything you are looking for appears flashing on the map, which repositions itself and adapts the zoom to the number of results. The blog and the news, which are now accessible from the app (two links at the bottom of the main menu)

We also slightly reworked the display function of the profiles present on the map (the button with a number, bottom right)

I'll spare you the details of the thousand and one small discreet improvements, which nevertheless required a lot of work from our friends on the technical team to make your life easier on the application and allow you to make the most of it, but we are several hundred hours away from working on these "little" details.

There is still work to be done of course and we are continuing the effort. (pell even, the ergonomics of the profile sheet, the management of events and ... no, this one is a secret, you will soon see, and also ... no, this one is also a secret .... ;-) ) Sorry, we can't say everything right away either, but let's just say that we're talking about the network, personalized tuning, fun tools and spaces dedicated to certain practices. ..

But already, I believe that you have in your hands a rather nice tool to meet, discuss, exchange and... more if affinities, all that in a confidential environment and, I insist on this, very secure.

Give us feedback, and above all tell us what you would like us to improve or add. We try to listen to you and this app is really for you, for libertines of all kinds, whatever the definition we give of this word, whatever their gender and their orientation, provided, remember you, may they be free in morals and spirit!!

So now that I've told you everything we offer you, I have a request in return: fill in your profile sheets. Nothing is more frustrating than half-empty files, profiles without photos and blank individual files.

We only provide technical support. If you want it to last and progress, it's up to you to put the content... (and also to talk about all this around you to grow the community).

Here, we kiss you all and we are happy to continue the adventure with you.

Diego and his gang...


Bravo lesite Jaime beaucoup Roger libertains cherchetoure personne roger31
Bonsoir,je n'arrive pas á inserer une photo de profil
Le mode Cap d Agde c quoi 😟
Peut on rechercher des établissements par département ?je n' ai pas réussi 😁
Promis je complète mon profil ce weekend 😇
Merci !!
une fois inscrit sur l'application peut on se désinscrire, supprimer son compte et ses données ?
Hé bé con.... ça en fait du taf tout ça ?
Merci pour toutes ces informations et ces améliorations.
C'est vrai que des fiches vides c'est un peu tristounet. Alors nous savons ce qu'il nous reste à faire.
Bravo à toute l'équipe du projet ka.
Your opinions, comments and suggestions