Logo du réseau social libertin Projet-Ka

Legal Notice

Legal information:

Owner status: Company
Company name: D2C Développement
Legal form: SAS
Address: 223 route de barnezet, 07790 Saint Alban d'Ay
With a capital of: €46,034.50
SIRET: 902 182 872 R.C.S. Aubenas
Intra-community VAT number: pending
E-mail address: contact@projet-ka.com
The creator of the application is: D2C Développement
The publication manager is: D2C Développement
Contact the publication manager: contact@projet-ka.com
The webmaster is: D2C Développement
Contact the webmaster: contact@projet-ka.com
Developpement of the website and smartphone application by AmaZili Communication and Tecalys 
The site host is: AmaZili Communication